26-10-2021 | Frank Jansen

CycloWorld presents updates + more website news

On November 1, 2020, CycloWorld.cc saw the light of day. Since then, we've been improving with the site a lot, but now we thought it was time for a bigger update. In this post we'll update you and give you an exclusive peek into the future.

Updates block

On the homepage you'll find the latest updates immediately. So you can see immediately which events have been added. Or which events are cancelled or full. We have written a special algorithm to make sure that the updates of "big" events stay up long enough.

Adjustments to the layout

On more than 25 points we have changed the layout of the site here and there. All these small changes make the site look just a little bit better than before. Especially the updates to the calendar search filter stand out.


What's next? We have plenty of plans to keep us busy for the next 10 years, so that won't be the issue. We have the following things in the pipeline for 2022:

  • My CW (the members-only area) will get a facelift. Making plans, creating a favorites list, and personalizing your PALMARES © will be easier and better looking.
  • It will be possible to post and read reviews/trip reports of events. 
  • We will slowly phase out French as the main language. On the other hand, we want to expand the languages of the calendar to include Italian, Spanish and German. And of course French will remain there. For the news and the homepage, we will continue to work with two main languages: Dutch and English.
  • We are thinking about a SMS alert service. My CW members will receive a small text message when the La Marmotte sign-up opens, for example. We would like to offer this service for popular rides that fill up quickly. Please let us know what you think!

Poll: Jouw mening over een SMS alert service

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