In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, I wrote about setting goals, different types of training goals and how to actually achieve these goals. During conversations with people about this topic, the concept of "motivation" often pops up. Motivation seems to be the magic word for many. In this article, I explain why you don't have to be motivated to train and achieve your goals.
Photo: Patrick Güller
I don't get up motivated every day. Often I find it hard to get out of bed. Would I wait for the moment when I am sufficiently motivated to train, then probably nothing will come of it.
Imagine two cyclists, one of whom is very motivated and the other of whom is very consistent. Which of this duo has the greatest chance of achieving their goals? I put my money on the consistent rider. Consistency is a decision; motivation is just a feeling. Consistency is a mindset, it's in your character. You decide to become consistent and make training a habit.
If you wait daily for sufficient motivation for a workout, chances are that nothing will come of it in the end. Therefore, say to yourself: no matter what happens today, I'm going to be consistent and work out. You are that much more likely to achieve the results you want.
Hope for motivation and you will lose. Winners focus on consistency. The great thing is: consistency leads to motivation. Getting moving gives you energy, and energy gets you motivated.
The important question: how do I become consistent? Start small, decide to exercise for at least thirty minutes every day for 100 days. I know that no cyclist will get dressed and grabs his road bike from the shed and then goes to train for only half an hour, especially in winter. Fortunately, nowadays it is possible for almost everyone to train indoors. The threshold is much lower.
Why a hundred days? That way, working out becomes a habit. If you skip a day during these hundred days, the counting starts all over again.
After a hundred days, riding has undoubtedly become a regular and logical part of your daily life. After a while, count on you feeling discomfort when you don't jump on your bike for a day. Good luck with your training!