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12-05-2022 | Frank Jansen

Ötztaler Radmarathon moves to July as of 2023

It had been in the air for a while, but it is now final. Starting in 2023, the Ötztaler Radmarathon will move to July, reports TOUR Magazine. This brings to an end an important rule in the gran fondo world, namely that the ORM was always organized on the last Sunday of August. The date for 2023 is also already known: 9 July. Most likely one week after La Marmotte (that date has not yet been confirmed).

Road closures main cause

The main cause is the many road closures required for the car-free route. These put enormous pressure on local and vacation traffic. Certain sub-regions barely benefited from the Ötztaler, but suffered greatly. They revolted last summer and with success, it now appears. In July, this problem is seemingly much less of an issue. But the move has other advantages for the organizers. For example, the chance of good weather is much greater and they can start earlier, which means that the roads can be reopened sooner.

Some changes also for 2022

The date for the 2022 edition remains unchanged: August 28. But still, something is changing, in order to reduce the traffic pressure a bit. For example, in Sterzing a slightly different route is followed, to spare the vacation traffic. But there are no other major changes. In 2022 the start is also earlier, namely at 6:30.

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