30-09-2024 | Frank Jansen | 1 Comment

Strava introduces 'verified segments'

The popular app Strava is making significant strides. After the introduction of the much-requested 'dark mode,' a few weeks ago the option to hide your start time was introduced. Now, the American company announces it's taking a sweeping approach to cleaning up segments.

Tackling overgrowth and duplicates

Anyone who uses segments on Strava will recognize this: the enormous overgrowth. Strava is the first to acknowledge it: 'the state of segments is far from perfect.' The solution: Verified Segments. These are verified, 'official' segments marked with a check, similar to what we see on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. The climb from Bédoin to the top of Mont Ventoux will likely receive such a badge, but the segment from turn 2 to 3 certainly won’t.

Furthermore, Strava has thoroughly cleaned up the segments. Over 2 million (!) segments that are nearly identical by a few meters have been or will be removed in the coming weeks.

Leaderboards are also being addressed

But it doesn’t stop there. A new automatic AI-based system will automatically flag and remove implausible record attempts. According to Strava, the system is not perfect yet, but it has already removed more than 33% of all false attempts.

You can read more information in the official announcement, of course on Strava.

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Yda Smets 

  18 Oct, 2024     3 months ago     Reply  

Ik zag dat mijn tijd van Bédoin naar de top van de Mont Ventoux ineens een paar minuten langzamer is geworden. Heeft dat ook met ‘Verified segments’ te maken? Dan ben ik er geen voorstander van;-)

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